Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Holy freaking rash, Batman!

Here is a picture of what my child woke up with, covering nearly every inch of her sweet, smooth kid skin:

Poor girl. She is not itchy, and seems completely and totally unbothered and unaffected. She had roseola as a baby - because thats what came immediately mind to me too! No outbreaks of fifth's disease, foot and mouth, or any other rash inducing childhood illness at school. It warranted a call to the ped's office, especially in light of the random fever she showed up with on Friday and Saturday, sans any other symptoms. Viral rash, they say. Just watch her, they say.

Don't you also just love how I, taking a picture with my iphone, was able to completely keep this post nudity free? yeah, and thats her hip and butt cheek. Aislinn, honey, I promised to keep all nude pictures of you OFF the internet, even though you spend most of your time at home without any clothes on.

Can someone just NOT be sick, or afflicted with some unknown disease, for just a WEEK? Is that asking too much?


  1. MPdaCNA said...
    ugh i feel your pain ...
    lisa said...
    poor girl :(
    Jennifer said...
    Yikes! How is she now? Mine are all prone to popping up with various weird rashes, but that one is impressive!
    Lulu said...
    oh no..contact dermatitis? I hope it goes away soon. Sounds like it looks scarier than your pediatrician Rx'd...i hope it goes away soon.
    Lisa said...
    Ouch...is it itchy? I hope not. That would just add insult to injury. :-/
    CPTwife said...
    It is hard to tell from the picture but my toddler had enterovirus not too long ago and it looked like that. It was all over her body. I hope your little one is feeling better by now.

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